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Our New Chapter


Pronouns: she/her/hers

Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia

Extracurriculars: UMOJA

Why are you studying human physiology?

"I want to be an OBGYN, specifically because of the mortality rate for black women. It’s really high compared to other races, and I want to be a person to change that. I feel like human physiology is the best major to get there, specifically for medical school, and just learning about the human body."

What objects in your dorm represent your identity or home life?

“They always have paint nights in Warren. I have a painting that says ATL HOE, from a saying in a song in Atlanta. I also have a vision board with ATL, I just love ATL. I also love my Frank Ocean ‘Blonde’ poster that I’ve had since my freshman year in high school. A lot of pink, because my favorite color is pink. Pink water bottle, pink lamp, pink purse, pink pillows. Oh, and these are my kids: my pig, she's pink, and she was a gift. And this is Toothless. I got this in my junior year from Build A Bear, it stuck with me.”

What are you struggling with?

“In this semester, I've struggled with time management a lot. I'm the biggest procrastinator you'll ever meet. I could get an extension for an essay, and I'll still wait until the extension is done to get it done. I've been trying to work on that, and I have gotten better at time management over the course of these four months. I've also just learned to start saying no, when my friends ask me to go somewhere, because that was one of the biggest reasons I wasn't getting my work done on time at the beginning. But now, I set aside to study and get all my work done for the week. That way I can do stuff at the end of the week and on the weekends.”

College can be hardStudent Wellbeing provides support for Boston University students with resources, like the one below:

"Student Wellbeing offers a wide variety of ready-to-go workshops for schools, colleges and student groups. These workshops offer a variety of evidence-based content, experiential exercises, and practical life skills students can incorporate into their lives to help them thrive."

Life Management Workshop: Redefining Work Life Balance

© 2025 Will Chapman

© 2023 Will Chapman Photography

© 2025 Will Chapman

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